SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Buried Secrets

  • Secrets (Les) - Dowaha
Genre : Thriller
Type : Fiction
Original title : Dowaha | Berceuse (La) | Anonymes (Les) | Dowaha Segreti Sepolti | Anonymous | الدّواحة
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Feature
Running time : 91 (in minutes)

تعيش عائشة وراضية ووالدتهما في معزل عن العالم داخل منزل مهجور سبق للأمّ أن عملت فيه كخادمة. وتهتزّ حياتهم اليومية، يوم يحلّ شاب وصديقته للإقامة في المنزل. وتضطرّ النسوة الثلاثة لإخفاء وجودهنّ عن الزائرين الجديدين خشية أن يتفطّنا للحالة اللاتي يعشن فيها، ويطرداهما من المكان. يحدث أنهن يخفين سرّا له علاقة بهذا المكان الغريب.

Directora : Raja Amari
Actores : Hafsia Herzi, Soundos Belhassen, Wassila Dari, Rim El Benna, Dhafer L'Abidine

Largometraje, Ficción
Idioma de rodaje : Árabe
Nacionalidad : Mayoritariamente francesa (Francia, Suiza, Túnez)
Estreno en Francia : 19/05/10
Duración : 1h 31mn
Producción delegada : Les Films d'Ici
Distribución en Francia : Sophie Dulac Distribution



Negli alloggi per la servitù del seminterrato di una grande villa, Aicha vive con la madre e la sorella maggiore. Ogni suo impulso vitale di giovane donna è represso con violenza. Le tre donne vivono segregate dal resto del mondo, il loro isolamento è volontario, nell'ossessivo rispetto della tradizione e della religione. Dalle finestre spiano la vita all'esterno. Turbata e affascinata dalla giovane coppia moderna che si è trasferita a vivere nella villa, Aicha cerca un contatto con la superficie. Ma l'incontro con il mondo reale, superato il limite che li separa, altera gli equilibri precari tra le tre donne, svela i segreti sepolti.

TUNISIA, FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, 2009, 35mm, colour, 91'

Regia: Raja Amari
Sceneggiatura: Raja Amari
Fotografia: Renato Berta
Montaggio: Pauline Dairou
Suono: Patrick Becker, Nicolas Moreau
Musica: Philippe Heritier, Erik Rug
Interpreti: Hafsia Herzi, Sondos Belhassen, Wassila Dari, Rim El Benna, Dhafer L'Abidine
Formato: 35 mm
Durata: 91 min.
Versione originale: Arabo
Produzione: Nomadis Images, Akka Films, Les Films D'Ici

Distribuzione: Fortissimo Film, tel: +31 20 627 3215,


Aicha, Radhia and their mother live in the servant's quarters of a deserted house. Their daily life is shaken by a young couple moving into the main house. The three women hide their existence from the newcomers, afraid to be evicted. Aicha, the youngest sister is attracted by the newcoming Salma, a young woman full of vitality. The mother and the eldest sister, Radia, are hostile towards Salma's way of life. When they are discovered by Salma, they decide to sequestrate her. The situation arouses the sisters' frustration and the sensual tension increases.

PRODUZIONE/PRODUCTION: Nomadis images (La Marsa - Tunisia)
CO-PRODUZIONE 1/CO-PRODUCTION 1: Akka Films (Carouge - Switzerland)
CO-PRODUZIONE 1/CO-PRODUCTION 1: Les films d'ici (Paris - France)
DISTRIBUZIONE INTERNAZIONALE/WORLD SALES: Fortissimo Film Sales (Amsterdam - Netherlands)


3 december 2009 | National release (Tunisia)
Cinémafricart (Tunis), Alhambra (La Marsa), Hannibal (Manar)

2010 | 20th Milan African, Asia et Latin America Film festival
* Best African Feature Film (Miglior Film Africano)

2009 | 27th "Arte Mare" - Festival du film et des cultures méditerranéennes | BASTIA, France
* Won: Grand Prix

2009 | Middle East International Film Festival (MEIFF) | Abu Dhabi
* Narrative Competition
* Middle East Premiere



Teini-ikäinen Aicha ja hänen kolmikymppinen siskonsa Radia asuvat hylätyn kartanon kellarihuoneistossa moderniin maailmaan epäluuloisesti suhtautuvan äitinsä kanssa. Eristäytyneen perheen elämä muuttuu yllättäen, kun nuori pariskunta muuttaa kartanoon ja järjestää juhlat ystävilleen. Uudet tulokkaat kiehtovat Aichaa, ja hänen tunteidensa herääminen ajaa maanalaisen perheen kriisiin sekä uhkaa paljastaa sen järkyttävät salaisuudet. Tummasävyinen, vahvasti tulkittu draama sijoittuu nykypäivän Tunisiaan ja vie eristäytyneiden naisten tukahdutettujen tunteiden maailmaan.

Tunisia | 2009 | 91 min
Elokuva on arabian-, ranskan- ja englanninkielinen ja tekstitetty englanniksi.

Ohjaaja: Raja Amari


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Les Secrets de Raja Amari

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Les Secrets (Dowaha) - [...]



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  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
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