SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Libya Hurra (Free Libya)

  • Libya Hurra (Free Libya)
© Courtesy Locarno 2012
Genre : War
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 73 (in minutes)

A road trip through Libya during the last weeks of the revolution against Muammar al-Gaddafi's regime. LIBYA HURRA documents a collective mood characterizing people in one particular place in a narrow time window. Without losing itself in facts and statements, the film outlines realities of life in long sequence takes shot during an armed revolution, which usually - even from a country in the focus of media reporting - remains completely hidden. At the end of LIBYA HURRA, the filmmaker stands in front of Gaddafi's former palace. The revolution is over and the time window closed again.

Austria · 2012 · DCP · Color · 73' · o.v. Arabic

Directing: Fritz Ofner
Cinematography: Fritz Ofner
Sound: Fritz Ofner
Editing: Fritz Ofner

Friedrich ofner filmproduktion
1150 Vienna

Source: Locarno 2012


Un road-movie ambientato durante le ultime settimane di rivolta contro la dittatura di Muammar al-Gheddafi. LIBYA HURRA documenta uno stato d'animo collettivo che può diventare cruciale nel tempo e nel luogo giusto. Il film non si perde in spiegazioni o nel resoconto dei fatti. In lunghi piani sequenza, tratteggia le realtà esistenziali durante una rivoluzione armata, quelle che di solito qui da noi non vediamo, neppure se il paese è al centro dell'attenzione mediatica. Alla fine del film, il cineasta entra in un palazzo che apparteneva a Gheddafi. La rivoluzione è finita, la finestra temporale si è chiusa.

Austria · 2012 · DCP · Colore · 73' · v.o. arabo

Fritz Ofner

Fritz Ofner

Fritz Ofner

Fritz Ofner

Friedrich ofner filmproduktion
1150 Vienna


Ein Roadtrip durch Libyen in den letzten Wochen der Revolution gegen das Regime von Muammar al-Gaddafi. LIBYA HURRA dokumentiert eine kollektive Stimmung, die in einem engen Zeitfenster für Menschen an einem Ort bestimmend ist. Dabei verliert sich der Film nicht in Fakten und Erklärungen. In langen Plansequenzen werden Lebensrealitäten während einer bewaffneten Revolution skizziert, welche uns üblicherweise - auch aus einem Land im Fokus der medialen Berichterstattung - fast vollkommen verborgen bleiben. Am Ende von LIBYA HURRA steht der Filmemacher im ehemaligen Palast von Gaddafi. Die Revolution ist vorbei, das Zeitfenster wieder geschlossen.

Österreich · 2012 · DCP · Color · 73' · Arabic

Regie: Fritz Ofner
Kamera: Fritz Ofner
Ton: Fritz Ofner
Schnitt: Fritz Ofner

Friedrich ofner filmproduktion
1150 Vienna

Summary for official catalogues

A road trip through Libya during the last weeks of the revolution against Muammar al-Gaddafi's regime. LIBYA HURRA documents a collective mood characterizing people in one particular place in a narrow time window. Without losing itself in facts and statements, the film outlines realities of life in long sequence takes shot during an armed revolution, which usually - even from a country in the focus of media reporting - remains completely hidden. At the end of LIBYA HURRA, the filmmaker stands in front of Gaddafi's former palace. The revolution is over and the time window closed again.

Austria · 2012 · DCP · Color · 73' · o.v. Arabic

Directing: Fritz Ofner


3 files


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  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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