Endless river (The)

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Feature
Running time : 108 (in minutes)

Gilles and Tiny are both mourning recent deaths. Their grief unites them but hiding beneath the grief are darker shadows that connect their losses.

A young waitress welcomes her husband home to the small South African town of Riviersonderend (Endless River) after his four-year jail sentence. At first it appears their plans for a new life together are finally being realized. But when the family of a foreigner living on a nearby farm is brutally murdered, the young woman and the grieving widower begin gravitating towards each other. Trapped in a cycle of violence and bloodshed, the two form an unlikely bond seeking to transcend their mutual anger, pain and loneliness.

Un film d'Oliver Hermanus

starring Nicolas Duvauchelle, Crystal-Donna Roberts, Clayton Evertson, Denise Newman, Darren Kelfkens, Katia Lekarski

7 September 16:45 - Sala Grande
7 September 22:45 - PalaBiennale
The Endless River by Oliver Hermanus - South Africa, France, 108'
Nicolas Duvauchelle, Crystal-Donna Roberts, Clayton Evertson, Darren Kelfkens, Denise Newman

Director's Statement
Gilles and Tiny are from two different worlds. He is a grieving and displaced stranger in a strange land and her an unassuming local waitress, seeking a new start with her husband recently out of jail. Set in the small town of Riviersonderend (The Endless River), these two people, lost in their misfortune and loneliness and in search of reprieve from the hand that fate has dealt them, ultimately come to play out the struggle between victim and perpetrator, innocence and guilt, and-most importantly-lost and found.

ORIGINAL TITLE: The Endless River

COUNTRY: South Africa, France
LANGUAGE: English, French - s/t Italian, English

RUNTIME: 110 min
Production year: 2015

Director: Oliver Hermanus
Screenplay: Oliver Hermanus
Director of Photography: Cristo Duvenage
Sound:Julien Naudin

PRODUCTION COMPANY: Moonlighting Stu Productions, Swift Productions
DISTRIBUTION COMPANY : Urban Distribution International

UDI - Urban Distribution International
14 rue du 18 Août - 93100 Montreuil, France
55 West 94th Street, Suite C New York - New York, NY 10025, USA

Venice 2015 - Competition
Toronto IFF 2015 - Contemporary World Cinema
Haifa IFF 2015 - Panorama Section
Busan IFF 2015 - World Cinema Section
BFI London 2015 - Dare Section
Sao Paulo IFF 2015 - International Perspective Section
Mumbai IFF 2015 - World Cinema Section
Bratislava IFF 2015
Carthage IFF 2015 - Silver Tanit Award
Dubai IFF 2015 - Cinema of the World Section
Palm Springs IFF 2016 - World Cinema Now
IFFR Rotterdam 2016 - Limelight Section
Goteborg IFF 2016 - Panorama section Five Continents
CinemAfrica FF in Stockholm 2016
Spirit of Fire IFF 2016
Miami IFF 2016 - Cinema 360 Section
Kosmorama Trondheim IFF 2016
Febiofest 2016
Minneapolis St Paul IFF 2016
African FF in Spain 2016
Sydney IFF 2016
FICS Santander 2016
Cambridge African FF 2016



جيل وتوني كلاهما في حداد، اثر وفاة مقربين لهم مؤخرا. فالحزن يجمعهما، لكن وراءه يختفي حزن أكثر عمقا، من حزنهم على من فقدوهم

العرض الأول بإفريقيا & العالم العربي
المدة : 108 دقيقة
البلد: جنوب افريقيا
سنة الإنتاج: 2015
الإخراج : أوليفيي هرمانيس
السيناريو: أوليفيي هرمانيس
الصورة: كريستو ديفوناج
الصوت: جوليان نودان
التمثيل: كريستال ـ دونا ـ روبارتس، نيكولا ديفوشال، كليتن إيفرتسون




Una giovane cameriera accoglie il marito che torna a casa nella cittadina sudafricana di Riviersonderend (Fiume Infinito) dopo quattro anni di detenzione. All'inizio sembra che i loro piani per una nuova vita insieme si stiano finalmente realizzando. Ma quando la famiglia di uno straniero che vive in una fattoria vicina viene brutalmente assassinata, la giovane e il vedovo in lutto cominciano a gravitare l'una verso l'altro. Fra i due, intrappolati in un circolo vizioso di violenze e spargimenti di sangue, si crea un legame improbabile nel tentativo di trascendere la rabbia reciproca, il dolore e la solitudine.

The Endless River di Oliver Hermanus - Sud Africa, Francia, 108'
v.o. inglese, francese - s/t italiano, inglese
Nicolas Duvauchelle, Crystal-Donna Roberts, Clayton Evertson, Darren Kelfkens, Denise Newman

Commento del regista
Gilles e Tiny provengono da due mondi diversi. Lui è uno straniero che soffre e vive in una terra che gli è estranea e lei una modesta cameriera del posto che cerca di cominciare una nuova vita con il marito recentemente uscito di prigione. Collocati nella cittadina di Riviersonderend, questi due personaggi, persi nella loro sventura e solitudine e in cerca di una tregua dalle carte che il destino ha loro assegnato, si trovano infine a ingaggiare una battaglia tra vittima e carnefice, tra innocenza e colpa e, soprattutto, tra ciò che è stato perso e ciò che è stato trovato.

PRODUZIONE 1/PRODUCTION 1: Moonlighting STU Productions
337, Lower Main Road, Observatory
7925 Cape Town - South Africa
Tel. +27 214472209
Fax. +27 866063250
www. moonlighting.co.za

PRODUZIONE 2/PRODUCTION 2: Swift Productions
35, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt
75008 Paris - France
Tel. +33 156591717
Fax. +33 145637066

14, rue du 18 Août
93100 Montreuil - France
Tel. +33 148704656
Fax. +33 149720421

UFFICIO STAMPA /PRESS OFFICE: Gordon Spragg, Laurin Dietrich & Michael Arnon - WOLF Consultants
T: +49 157 74749724
Cell. /Mob. (Michael) : +49 1785470179

2015 | Venezia 72 - 72. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica, Italia
* SELEZIONE UFFICIALE - Venezia 72 (Concorso internazionale di lungometraggi in prima mondiale)
* 7 settembre 16:45 - Sala Grande
* 7 settembre 22:45 - PalaBiennale


4 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

Avec le soutien de