SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Nuit africaine (La)

  • Nuit africaine (La)
Genre : Historical
Type : Telefilm
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1990
Format : Feature
Running time : 104 (in minutes)

Eugène Jamot, a doctor in the colonial army, was an extraordinary fighter for health in Equatorial and Western Africa in the 1930s. It was Jamot who overcame sleeping sickness in Cameroon. At the same time, a cabal organized against him. It interferes with private interests. It doesn't matter. Driven by the passion of his profession and compassion for suffering populations, the doctor does not tolerate any hindrance to his mission. It came into conflict with the colonial administration, which was more concerned with the interests of the powerful than with the fate of the natives.

starring / avec
FRESSON, Bernard / BEDIEBE, Jean / KEITA, Clarisse

scénario : KABORE, Gaston (Co-adapteur et conseiller artistique et non co réalisateur)

réalisateur : GUILLAUME, Gérard

production : SFP (France)

support : 35 mm

CAST / ACTRICES-ACTEURS (in credits order)
Bernard Fresson... Eugène Jamot
Jean Bediebe... Akamba
Clarisse Keita... Fatimé
Victor Garrivier... L'Herminier
Frankye Pain... Paulette (as Franckie Pain, Frankie Pain)
Frédéric Ratel... Montestruc
Jean-François Soubielle... Feyte
Hubert Saint-Macary... Le Père Goarnisson, André
André Thorent... Le gouverneur Marchand
Robert Le Béal... Le général Messimy
Tola Koukoui... Blaise Diagne
Jean Pignol... Le gouverneur
Pierre Lafont... Le secrétaire général
Bruno Balp... Le Lieutenant-gouverneur
Anatole Kaboré...............................................
Joseph Nikiema...............................................
Gustave Sorgho...............................................
Thierno Faty Sow...............................................

Produced by
Gaston Kaboré... producer

Directed by / Réalisé par :
Gérard Guillaume

Screenwriters / Scénaristes :
Lapeyssonie... (adaptation)
Gérard Guillaume... (adaptation)

Written from the novel written by / Scénario tiré du roman de :
Léon Lapeyssonnie, "Moi, Jamot : le vainqueur de la maladie du sommeil", Bruxelles, 1987

Adaptation / Adaptateurs :
Lapeyssonie... (adaptation)
Gérard Guillaume... (adaptation)
Gaston Kaboré... (adaptation)


langue : français

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.imdb.com/name/nm0347018/
- http://php88.free.fr/bdff/real.php?id=1212&real=G%E9rard%20Guillaume
- www.pierre-mazet42.com/eugene-jamot-combattant-de-la-maladie-du-sommeil
Updated by Zoé Guillon & Thierno DIA, 03 Sep 2023


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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