SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Rwanda, pour mémoire

Genre : Historical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society
Year of production : 2003
Format : Feature
Running time : 68 (in minutes)

In 1994, between April and July, the massacre of Tutsis and moderate Hutus left one million dead. Instigated by Fest'Africa, a dozen African authors met four years after the events as writers in residence at Kigali, to try to break the silence of African intellectuals on this genocide. In May 2000, on the occasion of the publication of series of works based on this experience, writers and artists from Africa and elsewhere gathered in Rwanda. Facing up to the scars left by the genocide, Samba Felix N'Diaye manages to find just the right sense of distance to film the inexpressible while nevertheless communicating a message of hope. Réalisation-Directed by : Samba Félix N'Diaye Scénario-Screenplay : Samba Félix N'Diaye Image-Cinematography : Raphaël Mulard Son-Sound : Maguette Salla Montage-Editor : France Langlois Musique-Music : Nina Simone, musiques du Rwanda Production : France Langlois


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  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

With the support of