SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Nassuf Djailani

  • Nassuf Djailani
© 1881- BIGG's (courtesy Les Francophonies en Limousin)
Writer, Playwright, Publisher, Publication director
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv, Literature

Comorian writer, playwright and publisher.

Nassuf DJAILANI (Nassuf Djailani) belongs to the creative and very young emerging Comorian generation. Born on the island of Mayotte in the Comoros archipelago, he is a journalist by day, author of fiction by night, he is a journalist reporter of images for France 3. He also writes for the radio and the written press. He graduated from the Institute of Journalism in Bordeaux Aquitaine. He contributes to literary reviews in France (notably Riveneuve Continents and Ubu Théâtre scène d'Europe, and Carnavalesques).

Since November 2010, he is the director of the publication of Project-Îles, a journal of analysis, reflection and criticism on the arts and literatures of the Indian Ocean.
In 2021, he launched the Éditions Project'îles, which he co-directs along with Jean-Luc Raharimanana.

His works

"Les Dits du bout de l'île", Mise en scène El-Madjid Saindou, adaptation El-Madjid Saindou, par La compagnie Ariart-Théâtre - Chapelle du Verbe incarné, Avignon 2016
"Les Balbutiements d'une louve", éditions Coelacanthe, 2012
"Se résoudre à filer vers le sud", éditions L'Harmattan, 2012
"En finir avec Bob, fragments écrits pour le théâtre", collection Instant théâtral, aux éditions L'Harmattan, 2011

"Comorian vertigo", KomEdit, septembre 2017
"Irrésistible nécessité de mordre dans une mangue", KomEdit, 2014
"Le Songe d'une probable renaissance", KomEdit,2012

"Une saison aux Comores", KomEdit, 2014

"Hadith pour une République à naître", Komedit, 2017
"Haisoratra, variations poétiques", KomEdit, 2015
"Roucoulement", KomEDIT, 2013

Autres informations
Nassuf Djailani et les Francophonies en Limousin (Résidence du 14 au 26 juillet 2015)

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  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

With the support of