SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Date (The)

© Courtesy of Tarifa 2011
Genre : Action
Type : Animation
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Short
Running time : 3 (in minutes)

A young man wakes up one morning and receives a call from his girlfriend. They decide to meet in a bar. He goes there and waits, he tries to call her but there is no signal. He keeps on calling her, but there is no way to get in touch with his girlfriend. Time passes as he grows older and older… Until he dies. twenty years later, the signal is back and, from the cemetery, we hear the girl speaking on the phone, looking for her boyfriend.


Un chico se despierta una mañana cuando le llama su novia. Quedan en un bar. El chico la espera y ella no aparece. Intenta llamarla, pero está fuera de cobertura. No consigue localizarla. El tiempo pasa, el chico envejece y muere. Veinte años después vuelve la cobertura, y en el cementerio se oye a la joven llamando por teléfono, buscando a su novio.

Participantes/Participants (Taller Coke):
Armengol Mba Mba
Gaudencio Diosdado Osa
Fátima Osia Ela
Sergio Nve Obomo
Raimundo Bernabe Nuandong
Florián Nfa
Simón Pedro Esono
Mireia Fort
Juan Noel Oburu
Gloyer Evita

TITULO: Le Rendez-vous - The Date
GENERO: Animación
PAÍS: Guinea Ecuatorial, España
AÑO: 2011
CARACTERÍSTICAS: 3' - Color - Fang, español - Subtitulado español

Source: FACT 2011 - Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa 2011

Summary for official catalogues

3' - Color - Fang/Spanish - Subtitutle


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

With the support of