SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

A Quarter To Thursday In Algiers

  • Un jeudi moins le quart à Alger
Type : Fiction
Original title : ميس إلا ّ ربع في الجزائر
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Format : Feature

A satirical fable in a country where the absurd is the law, through the eyes of three anti-heroes.

Goussam is pregnant, she has to have a clandestine abortion. She is supposed to be helped by her two friends Cherifa Griffa, and Riad, who has to introduce her to an old alcoholic gynecologist who recently returned to Algeria after a long forced exile in Russia. In the meantime, Riad's little dachshund, Trump, dies and upsets Goussam's abortion project. Riad, an Algerian-Russian citizen who still cherishes the memories of the socialist era pre-1988, is some sort of an ontological, Bukowskian anti-hero of contemporary Algeria. He is also the owner of a dachshund. When the dog dies unexpectedly, its corpse is moved from one refrigerator to another, waiting to be stuffed and buried. Goussam is also closely acquainted with the extravagant Cherifa Griffa,
a woman in her late forties who looks like a fallen marquise. Cherifa Griffa works occasionally as a revue singer in a vintage cabaret run by a bored colonel who has a thing for show business and nightlife. As she visits every gynecologist in Algiers and its surroundings, desperately looking for an understanding and, more importantly, not too expensive doctor, Goussam finds herself caught in extraordinary and hazardous situations.

estrelado / starring / avec :

a film by / un film de


Algeria, Feature Fiction, Drama, in arabic

Second feature / Second Long métrage Fiction

Beyond the fact that satire can be used to point out the flaws of a society or a political system, it allows me as an Algerian author to distance myself from the seriousness of the subject. I needed lightness, especially after my experience with THE BLESSED, my first feature film. I also wanted to give my next film a funnier, even ubiquitous tone through the adventures of my characters, while still dealing with the political and social issues that are specific to my country and are so important to me. My intention is to help audiences, who only know my country through dramatic films, to discover an aspect of Algeria which they are not so familiar with.
An aspect that deserves to be portrayed, derisively perhaps, but also affectionately whenever it is still possible to do so. I mention the Hirak in my script, but its place is necessarily remote, because our characters are disconnected from the upheavals taking place around them. They want to believe in it, but the many past failures have turned them into "ultra-normalized" subjects, on the verge of nihilism. They are at the margin of society and its demands, whether religious, ideological, political, or economic.
They seem incapable of prioritizing values and appearing amoral and skeptical. My desire to add a vintage touch to the film will be expressed in different ways: through music, for instance, the Red Army Choir, through patriotic Algerian songs and traditional raï (guellal, bendir), all mixed with electro sounds.
- Sofia DJAMA

Titulo / Original title / Titre Original : Un jeudi moins le quart à Alger - ميس إلا ّ ربع في الجزائر
International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : A QUARTER TO THURSDAY IN ALGIERS (A Quarter To Thursday In Algiers)
Title (France) / Titre (France) : Un jeudi moins le quart à Alger
Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) : ميس إلا ّ ربع في الجزائر
Outro título (em francês) / Other Title (in French) / Autre Titre (en français) : Jeudi moins le quart
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 95' (1h 35 minutes, 00:95:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Sátira / Satirical / Satire
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Francês, Árabe argelino, Russo / French, Algerian Arabic, Russian / Français, Arabe algérien, Russe
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres :
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : França, Argélia, Bélgica / France, Algeria, Belgium / France, Algérie, Belgique
País do Diretora / Filmmaker's Country / Pays de la réalisatrice : Argélia / Algeria / Algérie
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Argélia / Algeria / Algérie
Year of production / Année de production : 2022- - -
Year of Release / Année de Sortie :
Colors / Couleurs : Color / Couleur
Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Sound / Format Son :
Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel :


Zoudj Doro Production


Guionista / Screenplay / Scénariste :

Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :

Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :

Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :

Montagem / Editing / Montage :

Sound Editor / Monteur son :

Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :

Costumes design / Costumes :

Sound Mixing / Mixage :

Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :

Assistente Realização / Assistant Director / Assistante Réalisatrice :

Makeup artist / Maquillage :

Special makeup effects artist / Maquillage Effets Spéciaux :

Boom operator / Perchiste :

Stunts Coordinator / Cascadeur :

Assistant camera / Assistants cadreurs :

Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :

Location Manager / Régisseur :

Script supervisor / Script-Girl :

Transportation Captain / Responsable Transports :

Set photography / Photographe de plateau :

Behind the scenes footage / Tournage Making-of :

Creative director / Creative director :

Illustration / Illustrations (Générique) :


BAC Films (France)
Artemis (Belgium)
Zoudj Doro (Algeria)

El Gouna Springboard (Egypt)
CNC (France, Avance sur recettes, seconde session 2022 du deuxième collège : seconds et troisièmes longs métrages).




CONTACT (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
Zoudj Doro Production



* RED SEA LODGE PROJECTS //// Red Sea International Film Festival - RSIFF 2022, Saudi Arabia | Financing already acquired / Financement déjà acquis : $155,000 | https://redseafilmfest.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-of-Projects_English.pdf

* Prix du meilleur projet de long métrage en développement /// 5è Festival international d'El Gouna 2021 (Égypte)

Fontes / Our Source / Nos Sources (READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- https://elgounafilmfestival.com/project/8
- https://redseafilmfest.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-of-Projects_English.pdf
- www.cineuropa.org/fr/newsdetail/427569/
- www.lesoirdalgerie.com/culture/le-prochain-film-de-sofia-djama-deja-prime-69874
Updated by Samba DOUCOURE, 26 décembre 2023


AR | عربي

طريفة، في بلاد متخيلة تسودها العبثية، من خلال أعين ثلاثة أبطال خارجين عن المألوف، كما تخيلتهم المخرجة المتوجة
بعديد الجوائز، صوفيا جاما

م أنّها حامل، وعليها الإجهاض من دون أن يكتشف أحد أمرها. تستعين بصديقين لمعاونتها: شريفة جريفة ورياض، اللذان يُعرّفانها إلى طبيب
نساء سكّير ومحبط، عاد لتوّه إلى الجزائر، عقب سنوات طويلة من المنفى القسري في روسيا. في تلك الأثناء، يفقد ريّاض كلبه المسمّى: ترامب، وهو كلب من
فصيلة داشهند، برجلين قصيرتين، مما يعيق مخطّ ط قوسم في الإجهاض...
بحكم أن ريّاض مواطن روسي أيضاً، فهو لا يزال متعلّقا ً بذكرياته عن الاشتراكية الجزائرية، إنّه بطل وجودي على النّقيض من بوكوفسكي، لكن عندما يلفظ كلبه
الداشهند أنفاسه، فسوف يدخل في دوامة من المعاناة، ناقلا كلبه من ثلاجة موتى إلى أخرى.
لم يخف عن قوسم الحياة التي تعيشها شريفة غريفة. هذه الأخيرة التي بلغت أواخر الأربعين من العمر، تبدو وكأنها مغنية من زمن قديم، تنشط في ملهى
عتيق، يتولّى شؤونه كولونيل يشعر بالملل، فيقبل على إتاحة حياة ليلية.
قوسم تشعر بالخيبة، وهي تتنقل بين أطباء النّساء في الجزائر العاصمة، تبحث عن طبيب بتكلفة منخفضة، ومتفهم، مما يسوقه إلى عدد من المواقف
الاستثنائية والقاسية

صوفيّا جاما، المخرجة والكاتب
مخرجة جزائ


6 files


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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