SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

John Kiyaya

John Kiyaya
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Photo

John Kiyaya was born 1970 in Kasanga village, Sumbawanga, Tanzania. His story in pursuit of his passion as a photographer known only to his subjects, the workers, fishermen and peasants of this region of Tanzania along Lake Tanganyika, brought him acclaim from international photography circles, first in Europe and then to U.S.A. He was selected at the Photographic Research Centre Boston University, top winner of the prestigious Leopold Godowsky Jr. Colour Photography Award, competing with photographers from Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

With the support of