SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Nii Kwate Owoo

Nii Kwate Owoo
Film director, University lecturer, Publisher
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Literature, History/society

Ghanaian film-maker

Family Name: Owoo
Given Name: Nii Kwate
Dates: born 1944
Gender: Male
Country: Ghana

Positions listed are those which are held currently or have been held in the past. Dates are given wherever possible. Where there are no dates, positions are ordered alphabetically.

Editorial Manager - Ecrans d'Afrique, Pan African Federation of Film Producers (1993 - 1995)
Founder and Head, Media Research Unit - Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana (1978 - 2002)

Selected Works
Where there are no dates, works are ordered alphabetically

Film and Television
Women of Substance [Documentary, African Women's Development Fund, 2002]
Music and Vision: Kwabena Nketia [Documentary, International African Music and Research Center, 1998]
Treat with Contempt [Documentary, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, 1998]
Ama: An African Voyage of Discovery [Film, Channel 4, 1991]
Ouaga [Documentary, Channel 4, 1987]
Co-directed with Kwesi Owusu
Gold - the Traditional Lost Wax Process [1980]
Okyeame Akuffo: State Linguist [Documentary, 1978]
The Struggle for a Free Zimbabwe [Documentary, Europe Africa Research Project, 1974]
You hide me [Documentary, Ifriqyah Films, 1971]

Source :
The Contemporary Africa Database


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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