SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Aisha can't fly away anymore

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Format : Feature

Aisha, a Somali carer for elderly patients lives in an Egyptian neighborhood witnessing the underworld of African society where there is tension between the groups. Stuck in a loveless relationship, routine and pressure of dreary work lead her into an impasse.

Aisha, a Somali young woman of 26-years-old who works as a health carer for elderly patients, lives in Ain-Shams a neighborhood in the heart of Cairo where she witnesses the underworld of growing African migrants' society and the tension between the different groups. Routine, pressure of dreary work and being stuck in a loveless relationship with an Egyptian cook; while being involved with an Egyptian gang that controls her neighborhood and blackmails her to steal apartments' keys from the old patients, makes her dreams and violent nightmares cross to her reality and leads her into an impasse.

Aisha, caregiver for the elderly, lives in Cairo where she discovers the underground African society, loaded with tensions between different groups. Stuck in a dead-end relationship; the routine, the pressure and her dreary work lead her to a dead end.
Aisha; a Somali young woman of 26 works as a caregiver for elderly patients; she lives in a neighborhood of African migrants in the heart of Cairo where she witnesses the tension between different groups, She is uncomfortable with the drug dealing by an Egyptian gang, that happens just outside her house. The gang, which operates out of an abandoned microbus and blackmail her to steal her patients' apartment keys so they can rob it moreover she is stuck in an undefined relationship with Abdoun; a young Egyptian cook.
Her routine is disrupted when she gets assigned to work in a new house where feels uncomfortable, then Abdoun shows suicidal tendencies and disappears.
Aisha tries to cope with her fears and lost battles but when Abdoun appears after a while; married, the pressure she bears becomes unbearable and pushes her to the point of explosion.

starring / avec

a film by / un film de

Egypt, FILM IN DEVELOPMENT (since 2022), Feature Fiction, Drama, in Arabic

First feature / Premier Long métrage Fiction

The story I'm telling is in the place where I spent my childhood and early teenage years; when I returned after years for some visits, almost an African colony within the heart of Cairo was formed; many came from different countries looking for work, peace or asylum away from war and starvation. They formed their own world with their own terms and rules. Some work hard in under-paid jobs for a living but others rebelled against their inevitable fate of acquiescence; for both sides and their families just surviving the day is considered heroic.

While riding a microbus there; an African girl with a tired face sat beside me and slept; she woke up frightened and went into hysterical crying. I wondered a lot about her; then my character, Aisha; started to answer my questions; a lonely girl trapped between the two survival mechanisms of her society facing the same social pressure from a bigger universe, and despite living among people who resembles her in color; it isn't enough to make her feel belonging, but it is possible to make her feel alienated, like the ostrich, which is a bird, but it cannot live with them and cannot fly one meter above the earth's surface.


Original Title / Titre VO : AISHA CAN'T FLY AWAY ANYMORE
International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : AISHA CAN'T FLY AWAY ANYMORE
Title (France) / Titre (Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde 2022, France) : AISHA NE S'ENVOLERA PLUS
Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) :
Runtime / Durée :
Type / Type : Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Genre : Drama, Surreal Comedy / Drame, Comédie Surréaliste
Languages / Langues de tournage : Arabic / Arabe
Countries of Production / Pays de Production : Egypt / Egypte
Year of production / Année de production : 2022- - -
Year of Release / Année de Sortie :
Colors / Couleurs : Color / Couleur
Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Sound / Format Son :
Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel : $663,734


Sawsan YUSUF


Guionista / Screenplay / Scénariste :

Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sound Editor / Monteur son :
Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :
Costumes design / Costumes :
Sound Mixing / Mixage :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Assistente Realização / Assistant Director / Assistante Réalisatrice :
Makeup artist / Maquillage :
Special makeup effects artist / Maquillage Effets Spéciaux :
Boom operator / Perchiste :
Stunts Coordinator / Cascadeur :
Assistant camera / Assistants cadreurs :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Location Manager / Régisseur :
Script supervisor / Script-Girl :
Transportation Captain / Responsable Transports :
Set photography / Photographe de plateau :
Behind the scenes footage / Tournage Making-of :
Creative director / Creative director :
Illustration / Illustrations (Générique) :

Bonanza films (Egypt)
Film Clinic (Egypt)
Red Star (Egypt)




CONTACT (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
Bonanza films
No. 10 ahmed zaki street, Cairo
T: +201279877803 | E: sawsan.yusuf(@)gmail.com



* RED SEA LODGE PROJECTS //// Red Sea International Film Festival - RSIFF 2022, Saudi Arabia | Financing already acquired / Financement déjà acquis : $155,000 | https://redseafilmfest.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-of-Projects_English.pdf

* Sélection (Film Project) /// Fabrique des cinémas du monde (Cannes 2022, France) | www.lescinemasdumonde.com/fr/la-fabrique/2022/projet/aisha-ne-senvolera-plus

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
- https://redseafilmfest.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-of-Projects_English.pdf
- www.lescinemasdumonde.com/fr/la-fabrique/2022/projet/aisha-ne-senvolera-plus


AR | عربي

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
- https://redseafilmfest.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-of-Projects_Arabic.pdf


4 files


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

With the support of