SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

I'm coming for you

Original title : Je reviendrais pour toi
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Format : Feature

Kaltoumi is a young mother and engineer, always wearing hijab and strangely riding a Bobber motorcycle in the Sahelian zone to
trade with Boko Haram terrorists. Once exposed, she is cursed and banned from her village. Hence starts her journey to get back
to her three-month-old baby.

Kaltoumi 25, lives in Feshue, a conservative and patriarchal village with a strong belief in magic. Abandoned by her husband she is raising alone her baby. Away from prying eyes and riding a Bobber motorcycle, Kaltoumi is forced to traffic goods with Boko Haram terrorists. As her activity is criminal, she takes extreme precautions to navigate between these worlds.
However, Modou the chief village has brought Kaltoumi's criminal activities to light. To punish her, he "confiscates" her baby, expels her from Feshue and casts a spell on her. That spell makes her breasts swell day by day. Which causes her excruciating pain. To break the curse and be finally reunited with her baby, she must find a large quantity of rock salt.
Rejected by her own family, she wanders in the Sahel until a group of margin women rescue her. Having been personally impacted by the atrocities of terrorists, they take badly Kaltoumi's relationship with Boko Haram. They tolerate her presence only because she has made herself indispensable. Away from her baby with her breasts swelling more and more and hated by those she now lives with, Kaltoumi's "punishment" is far from over.

starring / avec

a film by / un film de
Cyrielle RAINGOU

Cameroon / FILM IN DEVELOPMENT, Feature fiction, Drama / Fantasy

I'M COMING FOR YOU is a story that raises the issue of women's freedom by highlighting the notion of sisterhood, all in a Sahelian land with a war as background, but also an underlying question of maternal love: how far can it go?
Kaltoumi, is both light and shadow. As much as she loves her baby and her family with a sincere and deep love, she is also involved in trafficking with terrorists. Her journey of initiation, like Ulysses in Greek mythology, allows her at the end to combine these two sides of herself. Isn't the human being both shadow and light?
I have a desire, through this film, to explore subjects that are very much rooted in reality in a fantastic way. Where I come from, it doesn't matter if you are a Muslim, Christian or atheist, we all believe in the existence of a higher mystical entity. In this space, the perception and interpretation of a certain reality remains strongly influenced by the relationship people have with nature and the elements: air, fire, earth...
- Cyrielle RAINGOU

Original Title / Titre VO : Je viens pour toi
International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : I'M COMING FOR YOU
Title (France) / Titre (France) : Je viens pour toi
Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) :
Type / Type : Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Genre : Drama, Fantasy / Drame, Fantastique
Language / Langue de tournage : Hausa, Mandara, French, English / Haoussa, Mandara, Français, Anglais
Country of Production / Pays de Production : Cameroon / Cameroun
Year of production / Année de production : 2022- - -
Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel : $957,760


Alice ABAH

Cyrielle RAINGOU

Guionista / Screenplay / Scénariste :
Cyrielle RAINGOU

Je Capture Ma Réalité - JCMR (Cameroon)

Pyramide Films (France)

Pyramide Distribution (France)

CONTACT (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
Mme Alice ABAH
Je Capture Ma Réalité (JCMR)
P0 BOX 1466 Koutaba, Cameroon


* RED SEA SOUK PROJECTS //// Red Sea International Film Festival - RSIFF 2022, Saudi Arabia | Financing already acquired / Financement déjà acquis : $30,000 | https://redseafilmfest.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-of-Projects_English.pdf

* Sélection Projets de films : atelier Produire au Sud 2022 /// Festival des 3 Continents (Nantes - France) | 21-27 Nov 2022, Institut d'Études Avancées (IEA-Nantes) | Title / Titre : "I'm Coming for You - Pour toi je reviendrai" | www.3continents.com/fr/actu/produire-au-sud-selection-2022-2/

Film Illustration © JCMR

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
- https://redseafilmfest.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-of-Projects_English.pdf


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  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

With the support of