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The Cross of Agadez is a very valuable object i.e. that has a great cultural value for Niger in general and particularly for the Tuareg people. It is a cross whose fame has crossed the African and the world borders. It's really hard to know its origin, for several hypotheses exist. Today this cross is no longer just a decorative object; it is widespread throughout Niger and has become a cross of valor for our national armed forces.
A film by Charifatou PARAISO
Niger, 2015, documentary, 13 mins
Réalisatrice / Director: Charifatou Paraiso
Scenario/Script : Charifatou Paraiso
Images/Pictures : Ibrahim Ousman
Son/Sound : Abdoulaye Seyni
Montage/Editing : Cherif Ben Seyni
Durée/Length : 13 mn
Format : DVD 16/9
Prod : IFTIC, Niamey
2015 | Festival de Films Documentaires de Blitta (FESDOB, Lomé, 06-09 novembre 2014)
* Prix de l'espoir du documentaire court métrage
2015 | Fespaco, Ouaga
* Compétition - films des écoles africaines de cinéma