5 files
Yenan, a woman in her thirties, seems to live a happy marriage with her husband, Marc Kassy, 40s and prosecutor. They are part of the upper class, handsome and brilliant. Yenan runs a cocoa factory with an iron fist. She is mother to a 16-year-old son, Kevin. Everything could be fine if Yenan was not a victim of her husband's violent attacks.
A film by Boris OUÉ & Marcel SAGNE
Ivory Coast, 2019, 1h45 mn, Drama
starring Evelyne Ily Juhen, Bruno Henry, Devon Austin, Mariam Kaba
Original Title: RÉSOLUTION
Type: Feature drama
Durée/Length: 1h 45 mn
Langue/Language: French
Producer: Evelyne Ily JUHEN
Réalisateurs/ Directors: Boris Oué, Marcel Sagne
Scenario/Script: Fatim Diaby
Images/Pictures: Samuel Ouedraogo
Son/Sound: Yassine Beloukid
Montage/Editing: Abalotu Patchidi
Musique/Music:Yacine Mdarhri Alaoui
Décor/Set design: Marius Tagba
Eveylne Juhen: Yenan Kassy
Bruno Henry: Marc Kassy (Yenan's husband)
Mariam Kaba: Sylvie (Yenan's mother)
Stéphane Aly: Detective Stephane Agnero
Devon Austin
PRODUCTION: Yevedi Production (Abidjan)
Contact: +225 888 15 07 63
World Sales: Orange Studio
2019 | Fespaco, Burkina Faso
* Official Competition - Feature
* Prix Félix Houphouët-Boigny Award
* Screening : 27 Feb, Cine Burkina, at 18:30.