SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Scenarios from the Sahel - The General Assembly Of Diseases

  • Scénarios du Sahel - L'Assemblée générale des maladies
Type : Animation
Original title : Histórias de África I - Assembleia geral das doenças [Portugal]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1997
Format : Short
Running time : 9 (in minutes)

Um conto animado passado em Contaminobo, terra de vírus como a Tuberculose, Poliomielite, Hepatite e Diarreia. Os germes estão zangados e receosos, porque a humanidade tem feito muitos progressos, contra eles. Eles aguardam e cumprimentam a chegada da "sua catastrofíssidade, o Senhor SIDA", com alegria, acreditando que a sua estratégia de atacar o sistema de defesa humano, os salvará. Infelizmente para eles, nós temos espiado a sua "Assembleia Geral!" Pela boca do próprio vírus, aprendemos a forma de o enganar, sendo mais espertos e protegendo-nos dele.

(DVD 1), realizado por Pierre Sauvalle, dos Camarões e animado nos Estúdios Pictoon, em Dakar, Senegal; baseado numa ideia original de Mamadou Macki Bah, de 17 anos, do Mali; com a participação da estrela musical Senegalesa Ismaël Lô. (8'46"= 8 minutos e 46 segundos)

This is an animated tale, set in Contaminobo, home to germs like Tuberculosis, Polio, Hepatitis …. and "Microbe Diarrhea". The germs are angry and afraid because humanity has been making such great strides against them. They greet the arrival of "His Royal Heinous, Overlord AIDS" with joy, believing that his strategy of attacking the human body's defence system will save them. Unfortunately for them, we have been spying on their "General Assembly"! From the germs' own mouths, we have learned how we can outsmart AIDS and protect ourselves from him and his cronies.

Written by Mamadou Macky Bah, aged 17, from Kayes, Mali.
Directed by Pierre Sauvalle of Cameroon.
Animated in 2000 at Pictoon Studios in Dakar, Senegal.

Duration: 8 minutes 46 seconds.

Film starts at 0:08:17 on the VHS compilation cassette.


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  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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