SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Death of Guido Huysmans, coDirector Afrika Filmfestival (Louvain, Belgium

© Lilian Nabora, 2014
Genre : Cultural personnality death announcements
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : April 2014
Published on : 04/08/2014

Belgian Director of Afrika Filmfestival (Leuven, Belgium), artistic programmer - responsable communication - Curator at different festivals.
He passed away that week (August 1st, 2014), by heart attack.

Tributes are paid on his Facebook profile.
Funerals next Friday, in intimacy. In September or October the AFF will organize a huge commemoration, we learnt from Bruno Bové (Afrika Filmfestival (Leuven, Belgium).

Rest in Peace.

Thierno I. Dia
Africiné / Africultures

Begrafenis in alle intimiteit volgende vrijdag. In september of oktober plant het AFF een grote huldeplechtigheid.


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