SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Dagadu Sena (Sena Dagadu)

Dagadu Sena (Sena Dagadu)
Principal country concerned : Column : Music

The perfect splits between Soul and Electro!
Sena Dagadu comes to wake up Europe with her brand new album Lots of Trees which will release on January 28th 2014! Soul, Pop, Rock, Electro or Afrobeat form an inimitable electric and groovy cocktail! The young Hungarian - Ghanaians plays with the pleasure and adapts his soulfull voice to all type of sonorities to give us an ultra diversified mix with a continuing which disrupts the classic melodies. Clichés are breaking down sound is liberated and Sena impassioned in that futuristic exercise. Nneka accompanies her on "Grit my Teeth" which cross electro pop and soul music with disconcerting ease! They are singing with one voice an angry and determined voice.
Well Sena makes the perfect splits between electro and soul music with always an aftertaste of funk and hip hop and even a spark of afrobeat to honor her African roots and Accra her home town. In conclusion an unknown mix to discover absolutely for ears and spirit! 

Music albums

1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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