Malagasian filmmaker.
Lalaina Ketaka RAZAFIMISA was a big passionate by film since her childhood. She realized little piece with her cousins. Later, she tries to write some stories through different way. After that, she decides to direct a short film inspired by the life-style of some persons whom she already knows in Tana.
Ketaka RAZAFIMISA has been found dead on 22 April 2015, in her house, in Antananarivo. She directed two shorts: after a first essay (Kino, 2012), she made Fashion Victim (2013, short) about diktat of the appearance. Her Little Piece of Heaven (2015) is a hardly veiled coming-out. Her way to talk about sexuality is a new voice inside Malagasian society.
2015 : "Her Little Piece of Heaven" (10th Short Film Festival of Madagascar - Official Competition - short narrative)
2013 : "FashionVictim" - the 8th Short Film Festival of Madagascar - Best Actress
2012 : Kino