SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Megan Mylan

  • Megan Mylan
© DR
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv

MEGAN MYLAN is a New York-based documentary filmmaker whose work has been recognized with an Academy Award®, Emmy-nomination, Independent Spirit Award and a Guggenheim Fellowship. She directed and produced the Oscar®-winning film Smile Pinki broadcast on HBO and released theatrically in India. Her film, Lost Boys of Sudan, had a 70-city U.S. theatrical release and broad international television broadcast including PBS-POV in the U.S. Through an extensive social action campaign, Lost Boys raised more than a million dollars for refugee education funds and recruited thousands of volunteer refugee mentors. Megan has worked on a wide variety of documentaries including the Oscar-nominated, Long Night's Journey Into Day and Sundance award-winning Sing Faster. Before beginning in film, She worked in the U.S. and Brazil with Ashoka, an international network of social entrepreneurs. She has a Bachelor's from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and Masters' degrees in Journalism and Latin American Studies from the University of California at Berkeley where she was recently guest director of the Graduate Documentary Program.
Source: http://racafilme.com/the-filmmakers.html

Megan Mylan is a New-York based documentary filmmaker. She directed "Batidania: Power in the Beat," about an Afro-Brazilian youth percussion group from Rio de Janeiro fighting drug violence and racism through music. The film won the Best Documentary Award from the Marin Latino Film Festival. She has produced programs for Stanford University and the Lucas Educational Foundation. She was Post Production Supervisor for Frances Reid and Deborah Hoffmann's "Long Night's Journey Into Day," 2000 Academy Award® nominee and winner of the Sundance Grand Jury Prize. She has worked in a variety of capacities on documentary films including: "Jon Else's Open Outcry" and "Sing Faster; Yesterday's Tomorrows" directed by Barry Levinson for Showtime; "Inside The Tobacco Deal" for PBS Frontline and "Brazil 2000" for the BBC. Before beginning her film work, Megan worked with Ashoka, an international development non-profit in the U.S. and Brazil. She has Masters' degrees in Journalism and Latin American Studies from the University of California at Berkeley.


A Tokyo man delicately balances his roles as advertising executive, father, husband and devoted son.
Director: Megan Mylan

The story of Monika Barman, a teenager from rural India growing food to feed her family and the seeds of her own independence in a tiny rooftop garden.
Director: Megan Mylan

2013 - RAÇA
Three people on the frontlines of Brazil's unfolding struggle for racial equality.
Directors: Joel Zito Araújo and Megan Mylan
Havana Film Festival, FESPACO

Seniors with dementia and young children come together at a custom-designed facility in Mt. Kisco, New York. The kids look right past the dementia, connecting instead with the people who have gotten lost underneath.
Director: Megan Mylan

Academy Award® Winner
A real-world fairy-tale about the journey of Pinki and Ghutaru, two children in rural India whose lives are forever changed by a simple surgery they never imagined possible.
Director: Megan Mylan

The story of two Sudanese refugees on an extraordinary journey from Africa to America.
Directors: Megan Mylan and Jon Shenk

A documentary exploring music as a means of protest for the children of Banda AfroReggae, an Afro-Brazilian youth drum corps from one of Rio de Janeiro's most violent favelas.
Director: Megan Mylan



Documentarista norte-americana baseada em Nova York (EUA), Megan já recebeu prêmios como o Academy Award, Independent Spirit e o Guggenheim. Produziu e dirigiu o filme Smile Pinki ganhador do Oscar de 2008. Seu filme premiado Lost Boys of Sudan foi exibido em cinemas em 70 cidades americanas e selecionado com o melhor da crítica do New York Times. Seus filmes têm sido exibidos mundialmente na televisão, incluindo nos canais HBO, PBS, BBC, Arte, NHK e HBO Latin America. A cineasta é inovadora pelo impacto social dos seus filmes. Seus documentários têm girado milhões de dólares e mobilizado milhares de voluntários para causas sociais. Antes de trabalhar com cinema, Megan trabalhou no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos com a Ashoka, uma organização filantrópica internacional. Graduada pela Universidade Georgetown, Megan obteve o título de mestre em Jornalismo e Estudos Latino-Americanos pela Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley (EUA), onde também foi professora-visitante na faculdade de pós graduação em jornalismo.
Source: http://racafilme.com/sobre-os-cineastas.html


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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