SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sophie Bazin

Sophie Bazin
Film director, Fine artist, Photographer, Publisher
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Photo, Literature, Intercultural/migrations, Design

Practice gouache and collage since childhood, photography since 1990.

In 1991, the abstract painter Francoise Lelouch, Caen, initiates me to oil painting that I have not stopped experimenting, along with my medical studies.

In 1996, before the growing importance that the painting is in my life, I choose to devote myself entirely on the Reunion island. The oil painting is the theme of my work, it adds it to other practices: photography, printmaking, volumes, performance and installations.

In 1997, from my meeting with the Plastiker of words Johary Ravaloson, the character is born with two heads of Arius and Mary Batiskaf sign that our joint work. It is the origin of movement Dodo, which manifests the fragility of our human condition. Exploring the Republican way, Arius and Mary Batiskaf is now in search of the fraternity.

Since 2006, Arius et Mary Batiskaf is also the head of Editions Dodo vole that publish books for young people and artists' books.

Moreover, since 1994, I make regular trips to Madagascar with visits to the people Zafimaniry.

After several years devoted exclusively to production, 2006 marked the return to the time of exposure: Organic Memories and Other Reminiscences for Artotheque of La Reunion, Turks heads for the Parc des Enclos de Deauville, Exit of body at the Botanical Conservatory Mascarin.

In 2007 I achieved the happiness of Reposoir, a monumental installation for the circle of Cilaos and Figures on the prow of Arius and Mary Batiskaf are selected by Unesco for the stelae of the Garden memory designed by Karl Kugel on the Island of Mozambique.

In 2008, I participated in two residencies collective Lavage2008 26Rockbrown at Montreuil, and Parcours croisés at Cambremer. Since September 2008, I undertake to forge closer ties with Madagascar yet, when I realize large portraits in black and white on the bond of brotherhood.


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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