SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Yahia Benmabrouk

Actor, Screenwriter, Comedian
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Yahia Benmabrouk (Arabic: يحيى بن مبروك‎) is an Algerian actor, born March 30, 1928 in Algiers and died October 9, 2004 in Bab El Oued (Algiers).


Yahia began his acting career in 1940 in the El Masrah El-Djazïri troupe directed by Mustapha Kateb. In 1956 he was targeted by an attack perpetrated by pied-noir extremist elements during the Algerian war, in danger he left the Algeria for France.

At the beginning of 1958, he joined Tunis to be part of the artistic troupe of the FLN, he returned to the country at the end of the war, he continued his profession as an actor among the elements which would constitute the Algerian National Theater (TNA) within from which he evolved until his retirement in the early 1980s.

In 1967, he played the character of "The Apprentice" in the film "Inspector Tahar Leads the Investigation" by Mustapha Badie, with Hadj Abderrahmane, this film marks the birth of the most famous explosive duo in Algerian cinema: " the Apprentice" and "Inspector Tahar".

This first film was followed by others with the same duo, "La Souris" and "La Pursuit", until the famous "Les Vacances de l'Inspecteur Tahar", a film shot in Tunisia which will be shown in the rooms for months. It will be so successful that Algerians around the world will know the lines, which have become cult, by heart.

The tragic death of his accomplice Hadj Abderrahmane on October 5, 1981 plunged him into depression. He will never recover from his disappearance. Despite everything, he continued with his acting talent in the film "The Clandestin" by Benamar Bakhti and finally "The Apprentice's Vacation" in 1999.

Increasingly withdrawn, he died on October 9, 2004 at the Bab El Oued University Hospital following a long illness.


1967: L'Inspecteur Tahar
1968: La Souris
1969: La Poursuite
1973: Les Vacances de l'Inspecteur Tahar
1975: Chronique Des Années de Braise
1977: L'inspecteur Marque Le But
1978: Le Chat
1988: Le Clandestin
1999: Les Vacances De L'Apprenti



  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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