SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Professor Antoinette Tidjani Alou: her talk at the Library of Congress Washington DC

Free and Open to the Public
Professor Antoinette Tidjani Alou: her talk at the Library [...]
Genre : Lecture | Washington, DC

Vendredi 03 novembre 2017

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv, Littérature / édition

The Nigerien Book Lecture Series:
Literary Creativity of West Africa and the Sahel

Professor Antoinette Tidjani Alou will be reading and discussing her recent works :"On m'appelle Nina" published by Presence Africaine : Paris, 2017 and "Tina shot me between the eyes and other stories," published in English at
Amalion Publishing: Dakar, Senegal

Free and Open to the Public

Friday, November 3, 2017
2:00 - 3:00 pm

The African and Middle Eastern Division Reading Room
LJ - 220, Thomas Jefferson Building
10 First St. SE
Washington, DC 20540

For additional information contact: Marieta Harper
(202) 707-1960 or mhar@loc.gov

Please allow time to clear security
Request ADA accommodations five business days in advance at (202) 707-6362
(Voice/TTY) or email Ada @ loc.gov


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