SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

CinemAfrica Film Festival 2006

10e édition - une occasion unique à Stockholm de voir une trentaine de films africains, courts, longs, fictions, documentaires…
  • CinemAfrica Film Festival 2006
Genre : Festival | Stockholm

Du mercredi 18 au mercredi 25 octobre 2006

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

CinemAfrica has the honour to screen two recent works by the young and upcoming South African filmmaker Khalo Matabane - his roadmovie docu Story of a Beautiful Country and Conversations on a Sunday Afternoon, a blend of documentary and fictional elements where Matabene explores cross-cultural life in post-apartheid Johannesburg.

Based on the novel L'appel des arènes, the feature Wrestling Grounds tells the story of a different kind of friendship that develops in both the physical and mythical world of traditional Senegalese wrestling.

The festival includes further Kare Kare Zwako - Mother's Day, a Zimbabwean short film of absurdity that tells about a famished country family's path to cannibalism, all accompanied by entrancing music and elegant cutting.

The documentary Mo & Me from Kenya is about Mohammed Amin, Africa's greatest photographer. No one has captured the pain and the passion of the peoples on the African continent as he has, most notably the Ethiopian famine in the mid-80s.

Besides screenings, CinemAfrica arranges seminars and talks with invited guests. This year's festival guests are Manthia Diawara and Tsitsi Dangarembga. Diawara, Professor of Literature at New York University, is the author of several books about African film and culture as well as the director of Conakry Kas that is to be screened at the festival. The Zimbabwean filmmaker and writer Tsitsi Dangarembga (Kare Kare Zwako - Mother's Day) is also our guest. Dangarembga is the author of Nervous Conditions (1988). Her new novel The Book of Not will appear in the fall.

The festival program will be available at www.cinemafrica.se in the beginning of October.

Renseignements / Lieu

Le festival a lieu au Zita theater et au Musée d'art moderne de Stockholm.

Événements récurrents

1 fiches


1 fiches


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