SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Arik Bernstein

Arik Bernstein
Producteur/trice, Co-producteur/trice
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Musique, Théâtre, Cinéma/tv, Danse

Arik Bernstein - short CV
Arik Bernstein has been a leading force in the Israeli film industry for the past 12 years. He has initiated and overseen numerous documentaries, documentary series and drama series.
These films and programs have been screened in major film and TV festivals world wide, and were awarded many Israeli and international prizes.

Among these are:
Documentaries (partial) : Yitzhak Rabin - An Unclosed Case (51 min), " Oligarchs " (90 minute co-production) - with Point-Du-Jour (Paris) and ARTE " The Last Witness " (60 minutes), " The Blue Lamb " (70 minutes"), " Short " (52 minutes),. " The History of Israeli and Jewish Humor " (10 episodes) - Israeli Academy Award, 2004, FIAT/GLS Award 2004. " Matzpen - Anti-Zionist Israelis" (FIPA-Biarritz - Silver prize, 2004), " Moments, Israel 2002" and " Israel, 2003 - I Have A Dream " (screened at Sundance, Miami International, SilverDocs, Human Rights Watch, Tribeca and more). " End of The O ran ge Season " (12 episodes on Israeli Music - Special prize of Israeli culture). "I Also Dwell Among Your Own People: Listening to Azmi Bishara" (50 min).
Drama Series (partial) : " The Chamber Quintet " (Silver Rose - Rose d'Or), " The Bourgeoisie" (3 seasons, first prize - Israeli drama series), " The Brown Girls " (8 episode mini series - first prize - Jerusalem film Festival).
In Production (partial) : "Hot House"- A film about the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli prisons, ARTE, CBC, "Unmistakable Child"- the search for the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, Noga- channel 8 - "5250" - Video Activism project, Keshet Broadcasting, Channel 2. " Israel - A home movie " (90 minutes) Noga-Channel 8, " Laughter in the Dark " - Humor in the Holocaust. Telad-Channel 1


1 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Guerrilla Arts
  • HOT
  • Bayimba
  • Uganda Women Writers Association
  • Arts 256
  • 32º East
  • Amakula Festival

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